Meet Mrs. Ailes

Elizabeth Ailes with dogs

About Elizabeth

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Elizabeth and Zac
Elizabeth Ailes and son Zac

Ailes’ award-winning media career began as a researcher and booker for NBC News at Sunrise and Before Hours, a daily business show she co-produced with the Wall Street Journal. She was the first producer hired to launch financial network CNBC, and later was responsible for its on-air merger with FNN. Mrs Ailes became the youngest female Vice President at NBC and was responsible for launching cable network America’s Talking, the forerunner to MSNBC.

Mrs. Ailes also owned and published 2 newspapers in New York’s Hudson Valley. She now lives in Palm Beach, Florida and is involved with non-profit organizations focused on social welfare and workforce development.

Latest Blog Posts



We kicked off the holiday season with a roadtrip to snowy Michigan! This was my first time “riding shotgun” with my son Zac behind the wheel and Sugar on my lap – a wonderful journey!

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Man In The Arena

Man In The Arena

After leaving office, President Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech in 1910 that became one of his best-known, Citizenship in a Republic.  It’s a beautiful speech, offering both encouragement and a warning. The most famous passage is below:  “It is not the critic who...

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Family Time

Family Time

Our son Zac was a New Year’s baby, so it’s a holiday filled with extra joy. Happy Days!

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On the Bookshelf


One of the things I loved most about working in journalism and publishing was meeting brilliant authors and watching their books have an impact. Here are a few of the books on my bookshelf and links to recent reviews. Stay tuned, there are some books I’m anxiously awaiting and will post soon.

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These photos are from the night of the dedication. Executive Director Beth Greco is in the foreground, and they sang a beautiful song of thanks to me and my family.

My Work

There are a number of causes and organizations near and dear to my heart, and I’m proud to have helped many grow. As my friends know, I am a tireless fundraiser when I’m committed to a cause.

One of my favorite organizations is The Walter Hoving Home in Garrison NY. They provide women who suffer from addiction with hope for recovery. I rebuilt a dormitory on the property, which now provides 16 additional beds, a laundry facility, and gathering space.

At the St. Christopher’s Inn Gala with Mother Delores Hart and Cardinal Dolan.

This was one of my favorite events! This photo is from the Cardinal’s 2013 Christmas luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City.

I was that year’s “Christmas Angel” and I believe I still hold the record for money raised for Catholic Charities at that event: $1.6 million dollars.

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